World Report, January, 2024
Happy New Year to all!
God continues to bless abundantly! In Blantyre, Malawi, Africa, Final Days International just finished another 3-day, 15 topic seminar on January 19th, 2024. 183 people attended in total: Sunday pastors, church leaders, and 10 lay members. Out of 176 decision cards the people turned in, 150 accepted the truths we taught and want these truths taught in their church. This is an amazing 86%! Moreover, we are not just talking about 150 people that accepted the Three Angels’ Messages, but we are talking about Sunday pastors that represent scores of churches with thousands of members. One pastor alone, Pastor Hiwa, is a leader helping to direct 115 churches with over 8,000 members; Pastor Chilowa has 15 branches with 2,500 members; Pastor Evans has 3 branches with 240 members; and Pastor Khanda has 600 members in his church. Other churches have 42, or 112, or 63, and so on. These men and women understood the seriousness of the days that we are living in and the fast-fulfilling prophecies of Revelation 13. For the first time it was revealed to them who the Antichrist is, what the Mark of the Beast is, the United States’ role in prophecy, and what the true Sabbath is! And they were more than happy to hear it!
Next, on January 25th, 2024, we finished a follow up event in Bangula, Malawi, with 63 people attending; I just received pictures and a report that so far 34 people came forward and want to be baptized or re-baptized. They had already attended a 3-day seminar and were hungry for more. So, we taught them. They learned more on the Sabbath, about the Remnant Church, the Sanctuary, health principles, and other topics. One fun, and, “Praise the Lord” moment happened: People in this area love to eat pork. They learned about clean and unclean meat. One speaker raised his hand and asked how many people will continue to eat pork and everyone raised their hand before it was translated; as soon as it was translated, they all quickly put down their hands! Amen! They want to follow God, are catching all of the present truth, and we are thrilled. We are working with the local conference so these newly educated men and women can be nurtured and shepherded.
If the first two paragraphs weren't enough to float your boat and make you want to say hallelujah, hold on to your moorings. Two evangelists with our team have flown over to Hyderabad India to work with a team of Conference evangelists, Final Days International support staff, and AWR and Amazing Facts India associates. 2 days of meetings have transpired so far, testing truths were presented, the Final Days video was played, decision cards were handed out, a call made, and out of 227 people that returned the card, 191 accepted these truths and want them to be taught in their church. This is a tremendous 84%. These lay members, leaders, and Sunday pastors have heard the call to come out of Babylon and accepted it. The trumpet has been blown with no uncertain sound as the team shared the dynamic end time prophecies that are causing thousands to awake to the sound of the Bridegroom coming.
The work of Final Days International doesn't stop in Hyderabad. Nor will it stop so long as we can hasten the soon return of Jesus. The next Monday, directly after the meetings in Hyderabad, we move north hundreds of miles to another location to repeat the call for over 200 lay members, leaders, and Sunday pastors to come of Babylon. Months of pre work has been done. The “Prophecy Revealed” seminar will be conducted, and then our team of dedicated soul winners will move quickly to garnish the fruit that is ripening before our very eyes.
More events will be held during the month of February and March at an undisclosed country that has anti-Christian tenants. Final Days International will be giving the undiluted Present Truth to hundreds more lay members, leaders, and Sunday pastors that came in through the video or that we inherited from another ministry.
In the space of 1 years’ time, from April, 2023, to March, 2024, we will have conducted a total of at least 13 seminars with literally thousands of Sunday pastors and leaders. We are pushing forward quickly and fervently ever believing that we are living in the Final Days of Earth’s history just before Jesus returns. Also, notably, we continue to unprecedentedly blast the Three Angels’ Message to the world on Facebook as we pay to send the video Final Days to 3.5 billion people that have Facebook. We are closing in on the first 100 million video views. As we ramp up, scores of millions of the video will be broadcast simultaneously every month to all parts of the globe. We want to be part of giving the Loud Cry of the Fourth Angel. We understand that in the last days of Earth’s history that many will learn the precious truths of the Three Angels’ Messages for the first time and will take their stand to live or die for Jesus and the truths of His government.
Before I close this letter, I just checked one Facebook page that we boosted to Kenya 4 days ago, and here are the initial statistics: $7.78 was spent over 4 days thus far, it went to 33,703 people and 2,837 people watched the video all the way through. That is a cost of 0.0027 cents to get a through play, and only 0.00023 per person to send it to over 33,000 people. That is less than a third of a penny for someone to encounter the Three Angels’ Messages, and a tenth of that cost to put it in their hands. This is tremendous! And beyond that, thousands upon thousands are commenting so very positively after they watch this video. As I wrote this letter, one comment came in on Facebook that said “Thank you so much for sharing this video”. And another comment came in on WhatsApp from a man named Joshua in Ghana, and he said: “After watching your video I was spiritually forced to repent and surrender my life to Almighty God… It surely was a blessing… I got to know truths that I did not know”.
Final Days International has a unique and focused approach to share the Three Angels’ Message with the world. and we are motivated by the following inspired words: “In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers. To them has been entrusted the last warning for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They have been given a work of the most solemn import—the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages. There is no other work of so great importance. They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention.” 9T 19.1.
We are fervently lifting our petitions to the God of the universe that the beginning drops of the latter rain will start to fall more and more; that these efforts will hasten the return of King Jesus; that the Loud Cry of the Fourth Angel will begin to swell throughout this world; and that the final warning to not worship the beast, but to worship our God and Creator, will resound throughout this planet.
Furthermore, we want to sincerely thank all of you for your support and prayers. Many have taken the time to write in and tell us that they are praying for this ministry continually. God has told us: “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” Jeremiah 33:3. We truly have seen great and mighty things. Praise God!.
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” --Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Wesley Willbanks
President, Final Days International
+1 918.616.5333 info@finaldays.org www.finaldays.org

World and India Report Fall 2023
Hello Friends,
April 13th of this year, 2023, we conducted an evangelistic meeting entitled "Prophecy Revealed" with 5 meetings per day for 3 days in Lonavala, India. Attending were 175 Sunday pastors from various denominations. At least 70 of them, or 40%, so far have converted to keeping the Sabbath and moved their church services to the Sabbath.
In July, 2023, we conducted 4 more evangelistic series in India with the same format in 4 different locations with almost 1,000 Sunday pastors from various denominations. At Nagpur, of 205 Sunday pastors, 108 of them declared that they accepted the Sabbath truth and would start keeping the Sabbath. At our last meeting in Bangalore, out of 183 Sunday pastors, 144 accepted the Sabbath and other present truth. That is an almost unbelievable 79%, or 4 out of 5 pastors! Of 692 decision cards the pastors returned, 396 affirmed that they wanted to keep the Sabbath.
Both AWR and Amazing Facts assisted us in the production of these evangelistic events. AWR is doing follow up with the conversions. Amazing Facts handed out study material in the different languages, filmed the meeting, and filmed an additional 2 more events that are in different languages. We will upload the videos to our website. Both ministries assisted with supplying speakers, logistics, and manpower for the meetings. Amazing Facts made a 16 minute video report of the first series that we put on this link for you to see: Video from India - 2023
We gave the Three Angel’s message in a power packed lineup of present truth. Three days of meetings of 5 meetings per day were conducted with the following lineup: Daniel chapters 2 and 7, Revelation 12, Revelation 13: the sea beast, then the land beast, then Revelation 14 - the Three Angel’s message, the Mosaic Law vs. the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath, and we showed the video Final Days in their language, and have sessions on the State of the Dead, Jesus Second Coming, The Millennium, and The Second Death, and we have Q and A every evening.
The 4 meetings in July were the prototype for ongoing weekly meetings. One of the pastors at the first meeting in Lonavala is in an organization of 20,000 pastors that worship on Sunday and he wants us to give these same meetings to all of them. After the 2nd meeting, we had requests to take this to hundreds and hundreds of more Sunday pastors. 32 pastors so far from the meetings have asked to join the Seventh-day Adventist church. One man that went to our July 4-6th meeting called me to tell me that he accepted all of the present truth we presented, that he read The Great Controversy we gave him, and that he is wanting to share the things we taught with many of his contacts. He has an international ministry in India, Japan, Korea, USA, and India. He is a medical doctor and an evangelist. He has accepted the Sabbath and his “eyes have been opened”. We are having discussions with him.
The engagements in India were a result of our continuing to send out the video Final Days on Facebook to millions of people around the world. Final Days has the complete Three Angel’s message upon it, succinctly describing the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and the USA in Prophecy, done in a Christ centered fashion. It is our goal to send Final Days to 3 billion people on Facebook. It is a very simple way to spread the Three Angels’ Message, but the impact of doing this has been phenomenal, generating thousands of leads, contacts, bible studies, and conversions! We have had 50,000,000 views on Facebook so far and we are just getting started. You can see the video by going to www.finaldays.video
What happened in India is happening around the world: Pastor Jailosi from Malawi received the video, studied with our team, and led his two churches to keep the Sabbath. One church had over 100 members and the other church had 450 members. Moreover, he has gathered over 100 pastors so far from Mozambique and Malawi to be at another evangelistic event in August 2023, where we will present the same type of meetings as we are presenting in India. 500 more Sunday pastors want to come to the meeting. We are trying to work out the logistics.
We have had so many Sunday pastors contact us praising God for the truth they find out after watching this video. In April of 2023, Pastor Isaac from Uganda watched the video and went with 17 fellow pastors to the leaders of the Methodist Church in Uganda and confronted them with the truth they had found in this video. The leaders of the Methodist Church asked him and his fellow pastors to not come back. He has joined a Seventh-day Adventist Church near him, and is sharing the present truth to the previously Methodist pastors and members that were going to those 17 churches.
We have had hundreds and hundreds of conversions just in Africa. In the first 6 months of 2023, 600 people have accepted the Sabbath and have been led to a Seventh-day Adventist Church near them. This is being accomplished with just 2 workers in Africa. We have over 8,000 people in Africa that are in WhatsApp group Bible studies right now. We have people from every country in Africa in Bible studies. We have 34 different groups being conducted with hundreds in each group basically. Besides these group Bible studies, people are directed to online Bible studies, individual Bible studies with our team members, and are in alternate forms of Bible study whether it's conducted on Zoom or WhatsApp or through face-to-face engagement.
The rates of conversions per videos going out and numbers of workers is the same across the board in India, Asia, Latin America, Mexico, and elsewhere. The list of testimonies is amazing. We literally have piled up thousands and thousands of testimonies from people in all walks of life: farmers, pastors, doctors, teachers, or officials in the government. This is happening from sending out the video and people contacting us after they watch the video.
The response has been so overwhelming that we were stonewalled. We have had so many requests for further Bible study that we couldn't keep up with it. Praise the Lord that AWR offered their assistance and is helping with their Centers for Digital Evangelism. Timothy Saxton, the director for the Asian Pacific division of AWR, and members of Final Days International are spearheading the development of putting on more workers to reply to the flood of requests coming in from those that receive the video on Facebook. We have about 100 workers on our team, whether they are paid or volunteer, whether they work with Final Days International, Amazing Facts, AWR, or with other ministries. The number of workers is multiplying every week.
Final days is in English, Spanish, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Russian, Italian, Greek, and is about to come out in Urdu, Chinese, Marathi, Nepalese, Tamil, Malayalam, and shortly after these languages it will be in Swahili, French, Portuguese, and Vietnamese, besides multiple other languages.
The cost to send the video out on Facebook is astounding: $1,000 will send the video to 1,000,000 people in non-western countries. 1 million dollars will send the video to 1 billion people. A minimum of 20% of the people receiving the video on Facebook watch the video all the way through. The response is as above noted; a virtual flood, a digital avalanche of souls hungering for more truth. The cost to send out the video and the results are better in non-western countries, but we still send the video out to western countries. We believe that the unprecedented mission of Final Days International may be one of the best ways to give the Three Angels’ Message to the world. We have never seen anything like this in our life.
It was not our plan to do the on the ground evangelistic work in India, God opened this door. We followed. It costs around $50 per Sunday pastor to conduct these meetings. To give it to 1,000 Sunday pastors this July, we budgeted $56,000 to $60,000, and came in under budget. We believe we can give these meetings to 20,000 Sunday pastors for 1 million dollars. We pray that others will share in and support this opportunity of giving present truth to not only the Sunday pastors but to the congregations they represent.
We were invited back to 3ABN for the 3rd time for an August 15th taping to tell of how God is blessing as we have been sending out the Three Angel’s message to 3 billion people on Facebook. We told of the wonderful way He has been opening doors in India and Africa for us to give this message to hundreds, and soon, thousands of Sunday pastors. We pray that the magnitude of outreach with the corresponding responses will continue. It is our desire that you will join us in this truly unprecedented and amazing worldwide proclamation of the Three Angel’s Messages.
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” --Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Wesley Willbanks
President, Final Days International.
+1 918.616.5333 info@finaldays.org www.finaldays.org

Africa Report November 2023
Hello Friends,
Hot on the heels of the stupendous results we had with the previous five evangelistic campaigns we conducted in India earlier this year, we answered the ongoing call from our Sunday brothers in Africa, and went to Malawi. We had two back-to-back soul searching evangelistic meetings. The first one started November 14th, and the second a week later on November 21st, 2023. We had a total of 194 Sunday pastors and leaders attending. Out of these 194, 135 accepted the truths that we were teaching and decided to start observing the Sabbath and teach the things they learned. This is an amazing 70% of those attending. We give God the glory for what he is doing.
Most of them switched their worship services the very next Sabbath. Some held one more Sunday service to prepare the members for the following Sabbath. There are thousands and thousands of members under these pastors. One Pastor who caught the message has 26 church branches in Malawi and Mozambique with a membership of over 2300 people. Another pastor has 15 branches with 1,792 members. Yet again, another pastor has over 700 members and has already taught these present truths to 8 other pastors who were not at the meeting; they also have decided to follow the truth and switch their services to the Sabbath. Moreover, after learning these new truths, 77 of these leaders wanted to be baptized; follow up is in the works. We have more than 1,000 Sunday pastors ready for us to have meetings with them in Malawi alone, and there are many more in other countries. Uganda also has hundreds, if not thousands of Sunday pastors wanting us to come and have conferences with them. We are working with a Conference President and the Union President of Malawi to help integrate these people into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We have a Final Days International team of four on the ground doing follow-up, calling all of these leaders, scheduling times to meet with them, and giving ongoing education and support.
Think of it, for the first time in their lives, these men and women heard the wonderful truths that we know all too well. They were blown away as they encountered life-changing messages given in a dynamic multi-media presentation. With awe, they heard and understood the prophecies of Daniel 2 and Daniel 7, of Revelation 12, 13, 14, and 17. They heard with clarity the salient truth regarding the Sabbath. They eagerly anticipated every subject as they found who the Antichrist is, what the Mark of the Beast is, the role of the United States in Bible prophecy; they sat riveted as they learned about the State of the Dead, the Second Coming of Jesus, the Millennium, and the Second Death. They were captivated as they watched the video “Final Days” tie everything undeniably together. These souls were happy and joyous as they left the meetings telling others of the truths that they had gratefully learned.
Here is but one testimony of many of how a Sunday pastor felt about what he encountered: “First, let me thank God for giving me this opportunity to attend this meeting. Through this meeting God has opened my mind to the truth of His word... I also understand the prophecy Book of Daniel and Revelation and the Sabbath day that God has blessed this day as worship day... I have been working as a senior pastor for 12 years without knowing the truth about Sabbath. But because of this ministry I know the truth... I want to be part of God's remnant movement and help take the truth of the gospel to the world... Please, if possible, let me be one of your disciples of this ministry... (I want) to save my Nation. - Pastor Aubrey Marley
Of course, the attendees had come to the presentations not fully knowing what to expect. But they found the pure truth of the Bible, the word of God, that is quick and more powerful than any two-edged sword, piercing Soul and Spirit! Our evangelists wielded the sword of God with accuracy, blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit who drove home with conviction The Present Truth for This Time. At Final Days International we wholeheartedly believe in sharing the straight, unmuffled testimony, giving the trumpet no uncertain sound. And our God is blessing as we proclaim the Three Angel’s Messages in a powerful and undiluted way.
“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” --Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
Wesley Willbanks
President, Final Days International
+1 918.616.5333 info@finaldays.org www.finaldays.org